Whether you’re a Whole30 pro or just starting out, this Whole 30 meal plan hits the spot for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Get a week’s worth of budget-friendly and kid-approved Whole 30 recipes!

I’ve been talking a lot lately about the Whole30, which makes sense. When you’re on the Whole30 your life pretty much revolves around your meals… planning, prepping, cooking, cleaning up… this coming from a FOOD BLOGGER who already plans, preps, cooks, and cleans more than the average person… oy very.
But I’m a firm believer that even something like the Whole30 program can still be streamlined, kid-friendly, and done on a budget, without spending your whole life in the kitchen. There are plenty of easy Whole 30 recipes out there, and with a bit of planning and meal prep, you can enjoy delicious recipes that the whole family will love.
What Is Whole30?
If you haven’t heard of the Whole30, it’s an elimination diet. No grains, gluten, soy, dairy, or sugar for 30 days. And no look-alike foods either, like eggs + bananas = pancakes. Read more about it here.
Having a plan in place before you begin is vital to success when attempting a Whole30 diet, so I took the best Whole 30 meals we’ve made, lots of lessons learned, and created a Whole 30 meal plan I think you’ll love!
Psst! You WILL spend MORE money on the Whole30 because you’re eating more protein and a whole lot more fresh fruits and veggies and a few specialty items like ghee and coconut aminos… but you can still eat Whole30 on a budget. This meal plan balances the heart of the Whole30, with the numbers in the checkbook and the practicality of a busy life.
Pros And Cons Of A Whole30 Diet
There can certainly be benefits to following a Whole30 diet. Whole30 encourages reading labels and choosing whole foods, avoiding highly processed foods with ingredients you can’t even pronounce. We like to avoid those too.
A Whole30 diet may:
- Help you be more intentional about what you eat
- Show you how certain foods might affect how you feel
- Reduce sugar cravings
- Help you sleep better
- Make skin clearer
- Increase energy
However, eating only Whole30 recipes does cut out foods like beans, rice, oats, and quinoa, which many people do not need to exclude. Dairy, butter, and alcohol are off the list too.
Still, doing a Whole 30 can help you be more intentional about what you’re eating, and you may even find a new favorite recipe to add to your family’s regular rotation – I know we’ve loved Almond Crusted Baked Chicken and Sweet Potato Apple Bake.

Before You Start The Whole 30 Meal Plan
Always check the meal plan the day before.
Nothing will ruin your plan like not having thawed meat or running out of potatoes. I suggest checking what’s on the plan for the next day right before you cook dinner. This way you cover a lot of bases at once…you can prep (if you need onions for tonight and tomorrow, knock out both), you can pull meat to thaw, and if you need to make a quick run to the store, you have enough time to check stock of a few essentials so it’s not a one-item-only trip.
I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend reading the entire meal plan through before you jump in.
You may not like what I’ve planned, or you may not have the time on certain days of the week. Whole30 meal planning is VERY different than any other meal plan because of the amount of time required to prep and cook. With that said…
- I’ve done my best to note when to work ahead
- When to double recipes
- Hacks to save time
- Also, be careful if you change the order of the recipes.
- Many of them are based on leftovers and re-using ingredients, so I don’t want you to get stuck because you didn’t have what you needed.
Deal with the monotony.
Being on the meal plan for Whole30 means you’ll be in the kitchen A LOT. It’s part of the territory. However, you can make your life easier by cooking in bulk and eating leftovers. I’ve done my best to include variety, but there are instances when you’re going to eat potatoes for 3 days in a row and this is part of being on the Whole30 too.
This Whole 30 meal plan feeds 2 people.
Most people who embark on the Whole30 do it with a partner or do it alone. In either case, a meal plan for 2 people is easiest to divide. Or, if the kids are doing it with you (like ours did with us), then this plan is easy to multiply as well.
I’m working on the assumption that you aren’t home all day.
Most people don’t have the luxury of working from home or having schedules flexible enough to spend 2-3 hours DURING THE DAY prepping meals for the next couple of days. With that said, I’m including a dedicated prep day. This will set your Day 1 and your entire Whole30 off on the right foot.
Clean out the fridge.
Before you go shopping for more food, make sure you eat what you already have. Use items that are about to go bad (and that are compliant) as side dishes, add them to your hash… whatever you have to do, eat them. You already paid for that food, and not eating it is throwing money in the trash can!
Whole 30 Meals: Prep Day
- Make Instant Pot Whole Chicken. Pull the meat off the bones. This will yield about 6 cups of shredded meat, enough for 3 lunches for 2 people.
- Peel and dice 20 carrots, 10 celery ribs; quarter 200 grapes, roughly chop 200 almonds. This will yield enough for 5 lunches for 2 people.
- Make a double batch of Homemade Mayo.
- Make a 5x batch of Oven-Roasted Hash Browns. This will be 5 days worth of breakfasts. (Feel free to substitute sweet potatoes if you prefer.)

Whole 30 Meal Plan
Day 1
Breakfast: Potato Hash with Eggs
Tip: Put fat in the skillet, scoop out 2 cups of prepared hash browns, and warm/crisp it up. Top with a couple of fried eggs and you’re done! (Or if you prefer, here’s how to make the best scrambled eggs.)
Lunch: Chicken Protein Salad
- The actual “official” version of this recipe is in the Whole30 book, but here’s my favorite version of it
- 1 cup shredded chicken + ½ cup each diced carrots, diced celery, quartered grapes + ¼ cup chopped almonds + 4 Tbsp Homemade Mayo + salt & pepper. Mix it all up in a bigger-than-you-think-you’ll-need bowl.
Dinner: Egg Roll in a Bowl
Egg Roll in a Bowl is one of the Whole30 dinners that come together fast, and that’s why I put it on the first day of the meal plan. One thing is constant on the Whole30 – there’s a lot of chopping, prepping, and cooking. Take the time after dinner tonight to prep (even more) for the coming days!
As tempting as it may be to eat the entire pan, be sure to set aside half of the dinner for Day 3.

Day 2
Breakfast: Potato Hash with Eggs
See notes from Day 1.
Lunch: Chicken Protein Salad
See notes from Day 1.
Dinner: Almond-crusted Chicken, Caramelized Onions & Swiss Chard, 5-minute Asparagus
- Almond-Crusted Chicken is so good, I’m 100% sure it will continue to be on our meal plan long after we finish the Whole30.
- The Onions and Chard take the longest, so preheat the oven and get these veggies going in the skillet before you work on the chicken. We preferred boneless skinless chicken thighs for this recipe because they’re just SO moist, but use whatever you have and/or whatever is on sale.
- This is the asparagus recipe I was thinking of, but make it easy on yourself (and compliant) use coconut oil, and skip the lemon pepper seasoning. Despite the simplicity, it’s fantastic.
- Also, be sure to double everything you make this night as you’ll be eating leftovers in a couple of days.

Day 3
Breakfast: Potato Hash with Eggs
See notes from Day 1.
Lunch: Chicken Protein Salad
See notes from Day 1.
Dinner: Leftover Egg Roll in a Bowl
- I know firsthand that Egg Roll in a Bowl makes a lot of food, so here’s your chance to take the night off from cooking… well, almost.
- Since dinner is “done,” spend the night getting ready for the next few days. Make a batch of Breakfast Sausage and chop up enough fruit and vegetables to cover breakfast for the next two days.
- If you’re not sure how much you need, err on the side of too-much. It’s better to have leftover prepped veggies in the fridge than to run out of time in the morning to chop extras and end up hungry mid-morning.

Day 4
Breakfast: Veggie Egg Scramble, Breakfast Sausage, Fresh Fruit
A veggie scramble is nothing more than a bunch of vegetables scrambled up with some eggs. I highly recommend including veggies you don’t normally have for breakfast, for variety. Olives, sun-dried tomatoes, and spinach are all good options.
Lunch: Leftover Almond-crusted Chicken, Caramelized Onions & Swiss Chard, 5-minute Asparagus
Dinner: Lemony Spatchcock Chicken, Roasted Rosemary Potatoes, Roasted Broccoli
This is one of my favorite Whole 30 dinner recipes because it all cooks in one pan!!
- I recommend taking advantage of the fact that your hands are free by shredding a few sweet potatoes and apples for breakfast on Days 5 and 6. You’ll be making a double batch in the morning and while it comes together quickly, the few minutes head start on the prep work really helps.
- While the oven is on, go ahead and bake sweet potatoes for Day 5 and 6 as well. You’ll need four.
- When dinner is done, pick all the chicken off the bones and make a double batch of Hawaiian Chicken Wrap filling (see below).

Day 5
Breakfast: Sweet Potato Apple Bake, Breakfast Sausage, Fresh Fruit
My kids LOVED Sweet Potato Apple Bake, and I admit that it’s a nice break from the same old same old at breakfast. You’re making a double batch, so save at least half for breakfast tomorrow!
Note: Tonight is a slow-cooker meal. Be sure to get that meat in the pot before you leave the house!
Lunch: Hawaiian Chicken Wraps, Fresh Fruit
- The idea is a spin-off of another recipe, except you’re using chicken from dinner last night. To get the same flavor as the original recipe without the cooking, combine the following in a large bowl:
- Leftover shredded chicken + 1 cup diced pineapple + ½ tsp ground ginger + ¼ tsp red pepper flakes + ½ tsp salt + ¼ tsp pepper + ½ tsp granulated garlic + ½ diced red onion. Add 1-6 Tbsp coconut aminos so that the mixture is wet enough to hold together, but not drenched.
- Serve in a double layer of iceberg lettuce and top with diced tomatoes and sliced avocados.
Dinner: Carnitas Stuffed Baked Sweet Potatoes
The very best carnitas you’ll ever have comes from this recipe and if you use chicken stock, it’s naturally Whole30 compliant. Go ahead and use a 3lb roast – you’re going to make it work for 3 meals.
- You’re going to serve it over baked sweet potatoes and garnish with diced tomatoes, cilantro, diced red onion, and diced avocado. Pile that baby up friends, you can’t go wrong here.
- Tip: If you want to make the ranch dressing you need for Day 6 today, you can drizzle some of that on your stuffed sweet potatoes!

Day 6
Breakfast: Sweet Potato Apple Bake, Breakfast Sausage, Fresh Fruit
Lunch: Carnitas Stuffed Baked Sweet Potatoes
Use up those leftovers, friends. That carnitas recipe makes A LOT of meat and it’s DELICIOUS, so I know you won’t have a problem having leftovers for lunch.
Dinner: Burgers, Guacamole, Pan-fried Potatoes, Grilled Pineapple, Simple Salad w/Ranch Dressing
- The Best Burgers I’ve ever had were simple 1 lb of ground beef with Homemade Dry Onion Soup Mix, so we’re doing that, but we’re doubling the recipe. I recommend using your KitchenAid mixer (or other stand mixer) to mix it all up for you. Divide the mixture into 8 patties and reserve half of them for lunch on Day 6.
- Here’s my recipe for Guacamole and this is my method for Pan-Fried Potatoes. When they’re done, add a little bit of additional fat to the skillet and cook the pineapple until it’s dark golden brown.
- A simple salad is just that – SIMPLE! You can add sliced cucumbers, grated carrots, halved cherry tomatoes, or even fresh strawberries and blueberries. Whatever you want is fine, but you’ve done a lot of work so far so don’t feel compelled to make it any more complicated than it needs to be. Lettuce is a vegetable, and ranch makes it palatable.
- This Homemade Ranch Dressing is Whole30 compliant and super delicious.

Day 7
Breakfast: Veggie Egg Scramble, Breakfast Sausage, Fresh Fruit
Follow the same method as Day 4, but use up any lonesome vegetables you have in the fridge. By the end of the week, there’s inevitably a stray carrot, mushroom, or a couple of cherry tomatoes left. Use them up!
Lunch: Burger Salad
We kept dinner on Day 6 simple, so here’s your chance to get complicated. A burger salad is in essence, leftover hamburger with lettuce. But it’s all the other stuff that makes it worthwhile…
Since I have to give you a shopping list, I recommend putting hard-boiled eggs, olives, tomatoes, sliced avocado, and red onions. Chop up the hamburger into tiny pieces and you’re good to go.
Dinner: Hawaiian Pork, Tex-Mex Cauliflower Rice, Simple Salad w/Ranch Dressing
Tonight’s dinner is similar to the Hawaiian Chicken, except we’re subbing pork:
- Leftover pork + 1 cup diced pineapple + ½ tsp ground ginger + ¼ tsp red pepper flakes + ½ tsp salt + ¼ tsp pepper + ½ tsp granulated garlic + ½ diced red onion. Add 1-6 Tbsp coconut aminos so that the mixture is wet enough to hold together, but not drenched.
- Serve it alongside Tex-Mex Cauliflower rice, which is basically this simple recipe with Homemade Taco Seasoning sprinkled liberally (my store-bought seasoning had added sugar, FYI).
- We’re keeping the salad simple again for the same reason as Day 6. Plus it’s Day 7, and you deserve the break, right?
And that’s it folks! Happy eating!!

FAQs for Whole 30 Recipes
What is the Whole30 Meal Plan?
This Whole30 meal plan eliminates sugar, grains, legumes, dairy, and all processed/packaged foods from your diet. Based on whole real foods, this Whole30 meal plan is both budget-friendly and kid-approved!
What can I drink on Whole30?
You can drink water, seltzer, coffee, tea, almond milk, kombucha. Basically, whatever you choose to drink cannot have any added sugar or artificial anything.
Can you lose weight with Whole30?
Whole30 meals plans are not designed to be weight loss plans. Whole30 is a real food plan that eliminates sugar and other foods like dairy, legumes, and grains from the diet for a period of time.
Can you eat potatoes on Whole 30?
I think it’s pretty obvious from this meal plan that potatoes are a great choice on the Whole 30 food list! I like to switch things up by using different types, like golden, red, and sweet potatoes. Different styles of cooking are helpful too. Mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, and oven-roasted!
How many calories can you have on Whole30?
Whole 30 meals focus on eating nutritious foods rather than counting calories specifically. By eating foods like the ones on this Whole 30 meal plan, you’ll fuel your body without having to keep track of calories.
More Whole Food Recipes
- Instant Pot Breakfast Casserole
- Zuppa Toscana Soup
- My Favorite Easy Dinner Salad
- Sheet Pan Hawaiian Shrimp
- Leftover Pork and Potato Soup
- Bacon Brussels Sprouts
- Vegetarian Chili

Our family just finished the Whole30 together, and this e-book was an integral part of my meal planning. I linked people to your recipes several times. Really enjoyed all of the recipes. Thanks for your practical, easy recipes and hints.
Getting ready to embark upon my second round of W30. Wish I had found this guide during my first round–looks so helpful. Question about the potato hash/oven roasted potatoes recipe–I see that it says to make 5 batches of this recipe for breakfast, but when I look over the plan, I see potato hash for breakfast only listed for days 1, 2, and 3, and different breakfasts that don’t include the potato hash for days 4-7. Is there something I’m missing? I know there are other non-breakfast dishes that use potatoes in this meal plan. Am I supposed to use the extra 2 batches of these potatoes for one of those meals? Thanks in advance!
Hi Melody,
You can do it in any variation you like. It’s that way in the meal plan in case you don’t want the potato hash every day. Hope this helps!
How do I get the ebook for the Whole 30 meal plan?
Hello Diana,
You can find the sign up form below the “More Whole Food Recipes” section. Hope this helps! 🙂
Hi there!!
Just wanted to say I completed my very first whole30 week by using your grocery list, and recipes! Having the recipes and meal plan in front of me was so easy and took off a lot of stress… not to mention each meal was super delicious!
Thank you so much for making this meal plan!
So glad you have found our blog useful!!! Good luck with Whole30, Launne!
Hi Tiffany! I signed up with my email but don’t see where I received the shopping list or meal plan. What am I missing?! I’m sure I’m overlooking something. Thanks! Katie
Hey Katie, go into your email and look up Don’t Waste the Crumbs or meal plan. If it still does not pop up look in spam, after that go ahead and reach out again if you still need help.
Is the Cinnamon latte whole 40 compliant?
Hi Nicole,
No, because the cinnamon dolce latte contains added sugar.
Do you have more than one week available?
Hi Kim!
I’m sorry, we don’t have more than one week available for Whole30 specifically. We have many other meal plans available to you on the blog, however. Check out our meal planning tab here: (just copy/paste this link) https://dontwastethecrumbs.com/category/meal-planning/
Or you can get creative with this Whole30 meal plan (use it as a baseline), with Whole30 compliant variations for the other 3 weeks of the month. You might also check out this post if you haven’t already: https://dontwastethecrumbs.com/doing-the-whole30-with-kids/
Hope this helps…:)
Hi Tiffany! I stumbled upon your whole30 meal plan while looking for tips on how to do whole30 with kids. I love all of your tips! I downloaded the meal plan and cannot wait to get started! The meal plan only extends to day 7, do I just repeat the meals listed until day 30 or am I on my own to come up with a plan day 8 and forward? I am a horrible cook and am so intimated by all of the prepping and chopping and such!
This is the most all-inclusive, non-bullshit Whole30 guide Ive ever stumbled upon. My boyfriend wants to lose 20-30lbs and Ive been having trouble finding recipes I can make for both of us that he will enjoy/fit the budget. This guide has me all kinds of excited and I cant wait to try everything you listed! Thank you for sharing.
You’re so very welcome Natalie! ♥
You are fabulous 🙏
About to embark on my 3rd W30 and am trawling the net for inspiration
All I need is your plan!
Thanks so much
Do you have any more plans for whole 30 that are broken down this well? I’m so impressed with how easy you made this! I’ve done two whole 30 sessions and post baby I need to do another but i couldn’t handle the thought of it again with four kids! But this makes it look doable again! I was just thinking if you had another week similar I could do this for weeks 1/3 and the other plan for 2/4 🤷🏻♀️
Hi Andria! I don’t, but we have lots of other meal plans available. My biggest suggestion would be to plan things you can make a lot of, ahead of time. And every time you cook you should be making multiples. That’s the only way you get a day (hopefully two!) off in the kitchen!
This looks great but both mf boyfriend and I don’t like eggs at all. Do you have an idea for a replacement thats not expensive and throwing the recipes off completely?
Hi Pauline! Skip the eggs on the hashes and add any protein you may have… extra chicken, tuna, salmon, etc. Or even having a package of compliant sausage on hand will help. The only recipe that I noticed that has eggs in it (and let me know if I missed one) is the baked apple sweet potato casserole. You can’t taste the eggs much in it, but if that’s a no-go, just make more hash. It’s really the most affordable meal of the bunch and can be customized with whatever you have on hand.
I’ve modified this a little because I’m not that energetic to make so many different breakfasts. I’m just having a bowl of fruit (strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and a few blackberries/ raspberries with some walnut pieces) and boiled eggs. The first 3 days, I’m going to the Chicken Protein Salad for lunch. I shifted the Lemony Spatchcock Chicken, Roasted Rosemary Potatoes, Roasted Broccoli up to Day 3 dinner, so I could hopefully have enough leftover chicken for Day 4 and Day 5 lunches with Hawaiian Chicken Wraps. I need lunches that don’t require a microwave during the work week. I am very interested in other dinner recipes you used on the Whole 30. My kids are just doing the dinner meals with me. You said the recipes are for 2 people. I’m doubling the Egg Roll in a Bowl recipe which seems like an enormous amount of food for 4 people (plus leftovers). I guess I’ll see tomorrow if the recipe as written was meant for 4 people or 2 people. That’s the recipe that I’m more nervous about because I don’t like cabbage. There’s a lot of cabbage in that recipe! I would like another one of these Whole30 meal plans!
Hi Amanda! As written, egg roll in a bowl feeds 4 people – heads up! I’ll update the post to reflect this… although it’s super tasty (don’t forget the spicy mayo!) and makes for great leftovers too.
I got the email with the meal plan and recipes but I am not seeing the shopping list. Please help. And thank you.
Elizabeth, the shopping list is on page 3 of the plan and recipes, not a separate file.
Hi Elizabeth! The shopping list is supposed to be with the meal plan and recipes. If it’s not, email us tiffany(at)dontwastethecrumbs(dot)com I’ll be happy to send you the revised file with the shopping list!
I’m having issues with receiving the shopping list as well. After I enter my information, I never get an email. I’ve checked my spam folders also and have tried twice. Is there any way you can send this to me? [email protected]. Thank you.
Didn’t see it. Would you mind trying one more time! 🙂
This looks great and very helpful. I entered my info but didn’t receive an email with the meal plan and shopping lists? Suggestions?
Can you send me an email Ginny? tiffany(at)dontwastethecrumbs.com
I’m having the same problem Tiffany 🙁
Sent an email. Still never received anything. 🙁
Hi Ginny! I checked our emails, and I sent it to you on August 16th. Have you checked your Junk folder? Some email servers don’t like us!
Hi Rose! Send us an email and I’ll be happy to send it to you! tiffany(at)dontwastethecrumbs.com 🙂
Is there a shopping list and I’m just missing it?
Same here, didn’t see one.
Hi Emily! I just updated the post with the option to download a shopping list!
Same question. Do you have a shopping list for this? Its an amazing week of food but a little challenging to track if I buy everything. Thanks!!
Hi Gabrielle! I just updated the post with the option to download a shopping list!
Hi Sonia! I just updated the post with the option to download a shopping list!
This was just what I was looking for! Thank you so much for posting such an easy to read, step by step outline of your meal plan!
You’re most welcome!
This is great! Thank you so much. Love your blog.
Thanks CJ!
Your site is an awesome resource Tiffany, thank you!
Is there a printer friendly version of this meal plan by any chance?
Hi Denise! I just updated the post with the option to download a shopping list!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this! What did you do for your burgers made with the homemade onion mix since the “Better than bullion” has msg in it? Did you just leave the bouillon out?
You’re welcome! You guessed it – I followed the recipe minus the bullion.
This is awesome and just bit the bullet and bought a instant pot because of your blog! Is there a link for the lemon spatchcock chicken? Tried searching the blog and couldn’t find anything.
Thanks for all you do!
You’re so welcome Lauren! I hope you love the IP!!
Here’s the recipe for spatchcock chicken: https://dontwastethecrumbs.com/2016/09/spatchcock-chicken/ I thinly slice lemon (or any citrus you have) and slide it in between the meat and skin of the legs and breasts. Sprinkle liberally with your favorite spices (salt, pepper and ground coriander go well with citrus!).
This is a gift! Wow! It’s enough to inspire me to try it again, although I think I’d be tempted to make and freeze some of the meat ahead of time. Regardless, thank you SO MUCH for creating this meal plan!
You’re very welcome!! (and yes, freeze ahead of time!)
That’s one of my favorite ways to prep ahead – getting a big package of meat at the grocery store, bringing it home & prepping it for the freezer; there’s no better feeling! 🙂
This is very inspiring. I’ve been working towards a more whole-food, low-carb diet myself, and trying to find some things my men like (I have a husband & 2 teen boys to feed) has been a challenge. I’m thinking of trying a couple of these! Thanks.
You’re very welcome!