These 11 tips help us afford to buy essential oils, and we’re not buying the cheap kind. The best essential oils can’t be found in a local store! Get wholesale pricing online and be able to afford essential oils on a budget! Learn how to get rid of mold and mildew using essential oils and how to make bug repellent with essential oils.

There’s something I need to get off my chest. It’s a confession of sorts, so bear with me as I do my best to explain it. It’s kind of long, so you might want to get that second cup of coffee first.
I first joined the essential oil craze several years ago. Everyone and their mother were selling oils and I thought I needed to as well.
So I started selling essential oils. I started to share a few DIYs (like fabric freshener and cinnamon toothpaste) and I got a lot of pushback.
My inbox was flooded with emails. People criticized me, saying things like “We can’t afford food – how do you expect us to afford essential oils?” and “You’re just another blogger trying to push MLM on us. I thought you were different.”
Knowing how to use essential oils to keep my family healthy – naturally – was important to me. I wasn’t going to let a few disgruntled people keep me from working towards my own healthy living goals.
Toxic Ingredients
When people ask me what I do, I tell them I teach families how to eat healthy food on a budget. When they probe for more, I give them the 10,000-foot overview… I teach:
After being on this journey for several years now, here’s what I’ve learned:
You can’t be concerned about your health and ONLY focus on food.
You cannot say you’re interested in healthy living and ignore the stuff you put on your skin, the pills you take, and the things you use to clean your house with.
- We cut strawberries on a cutting board that was cleaned with chemicals that you would never dare put in your mouth.
- Doesn’t that strike you as odd? Or worry you even in the slightest?
- Washing the bathtub with chemicals known to be toxic to our organs and then we bathe our babies in that tub.
- Our children break out in itchy red bumps and we immediately think it’s gluten.
- Why are we not looking at the products we use to clean the tubs, scrub the toilets, and wash the clothes?
- The “natural daily shower cleaner” I had in my bathroom is made by a well-known and highly reputable “healthy” cleaning company.
- It ranks 9 on the Think Dirty app because it contains hormone disrupters. That’s worse than the mainstream “scrub” I was using before!
- We use harsh chemicals so we don’t have to scrub the shower tiles so hard, and we think we’re protecting our family if we keep the cleaning bottle out of their hands.
- Do you know what my daughter said to me a couple of weeks ago as I was cleaning the shower, “Mom! I can smell the lemon all the way down the hall!” (She was 2 rooms and 20+ feet away!)
Doesn’t that worry you even in the slightest? Furthermore, why are we blindly trusting “healthy” cleaning products and assuming they’re safe?
Are You Ready to Detox Your Home?
These are the things that consume me when I’m not working on recipes or teaching Grocery Budget Bootcamp.
- What if I wasn’t using eos to clean my bathroom? She’d be able to smell whatever harsh chemical I used from her bedroom and she wouldn’t have a choice in the matter.
- What if my hormones aren’t wacky because I’m getting older… what if they’re wacky because the “healthy” cleaners I’ve been using are disrupting them?
The products I use affect my entire family, whether I’m conscious of it or not. Whether I choose to turn a blind eye to it, or not.
Join the 5 Days to DIY Natural Living Challenge! In only 15 minutes a day, you can take the next steps to a cleaner, healthier home. Whether you’ve been on a natural living journey for 2 years or 2 days, you will benefit from the practical steps to detox your home. The best part? It’s completely FREE!
Sign up HERE to join the 5 Days to DIY Natural Living Challenge!

This blog is an extension of my real life. A reader once wrote to me, “Tiffany – thanks so much for being real. You don’t judge and make us feel bad if we can’t afford organic or don’t make everything from scratch. You’re a real person, struggling with the same things we are. I appreciate your honesty – it’s a breath of fresh air.”
THAT is why I write. THAT is why I teach.
I teach families how to eat healthy food on a budget, and I also teach families how to live a chemical-free life on a budget.
I’m no longer afraid to say this out loud because it’s what I’m going through. I’ve seen for myself how essential oils can drastically change lives.
- My kids are testimonies to the power of a supported immune system.
- I’ve seen laundry stains – set in for 5+ years – disappear in a single wash using plant-based laundry soap.
- I’ve replaced EVERY cleaner in my house with one single highly concentrated plant-based formula that works AND I’m not afraid to let my kids use it!
You don’t have to agree with me. We are all in different places in our lives and perhaps chemical-free living isn’t a priority for you right now. I get it. I was in those shoes several years ago and it’s okay. Maybe you’re ready to take some small steps towards cleaner living. Maybe you’re ready for more.
This blog – and in turn me – will be here when you’re ready to venture down that path.
How We Afford To Buy Essential Oils
For now though, and with all this said, I want to talk about the number one excuse why people don’t invest in quality essential oils – the cost.
I heard people say, ALL THE TIME, “I can’t afford essential oils – they’re too expensive.” But here’s the thing. If something is important enough, you will find a way to make it happen.
I don’t know where you’re spending your money… maybe you like new shoes, fancy coffee, or getting your nails done. There’s nothing wrong with any of these things, but if you say living chemical-free on a budget is a priority and you’re not willing to invest your time and money into it, then perhaps it’s really not a priority after all.
And while I can’t evaluate your budget for you, or even tell you what your priorities should be, I can tell you what I have done to afford essential oils and practical ways you can do the same.
1. I changed my mindset
If you think you can’t afford to buy essential oils, or that they don’t belong in a frugal household, I can relate. I used to think that too.
But when I realized how important they were to me and my family’s health, I found ways to make it work like:
- Canceling our VIP subscription to an online company that offers cleaning and personal care products instead of using oils to make my own.
- I stopped buying new clothes and used Christmas money to pick up a few “new to me” items at a local second-hand clothing store.
- We delayed grocery shopping by a day or two each week so we were forced to eat the food we already had.
- We stopped going out to eat. Completely.
- I’ve been saving all of my Swagbucks and trading them in for Amazon gift cards so we don’t have to buy school supplies or new shoes for the kids out of pocket.

It’s just like when we were saving up to buy a house.
- We canceled cable.
- Sold things we no longer needed.
- Turned down dinner with friends.
- Worked the coupon circuit like it was my JOB so we could pay our bills AND put money in the savings account.
- My husband and I said no to thousands of little things so we could one day buy a house in cash.
It wasn’t easy, but that goal was important and we made it a priority. We were willing to do whatever it took to meet that goal. I feel the same way about the health of my family. Nothing will stand in my way. I will find a way to make it happen.
2. I researched the quality of essential oils
When I first started selling essential oils, it was because my sister-in-law was selling them too. If I was serious about oils, I needed to make sure I was using the best my money could afford.
- I chose to buy an eBook bundle, partly because I wanted to learn more about essential oils, but also because one brand was a “bonus” when you bought the bundle. I tried other brands too and made sure to use them whenever I thought the situation warranted it. Some worked okay, and some didn’t work at all.
- I started digging and found that some companies manipulate oils in order to create a more desired scent. For example, Dr. Cole Woolley (an analytical chemist with expertise in essential oils) evaluated a “pure lavender” essential oil using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS). He found small percentages of Roman chamomile and geranium essential oils. These oils have a greater floral aroma than lavender, but neither of which should be present in pure lavender essential oil!
- This same chemist also found bottles of “pure peppermint” oil to contain 1% ethyl vanillin (it enhances the “candy cane” aroma), bottles of “pure lavender” with 5% linalyl acetate (added for a more floral aroma), and bottles of “natural wintergreen” to actually be 100% synthetic.
For me, it boiled down to this: I don’t want to waste my money on oils that could be watered down, pumped with pesticides, or have chemicals added just to make them smell better.
If I’m taking the health of my family seriously – and truly trying to steward my money wisely – then it meant avoiding cheaper oils with potentially unknown additives and choosing a brand that doesn’t produce anything less than 100% pure oils.
3. I started with a set, and still buy sets whenever possible
Have you ever seen those gift sets at Christmas? Maybe it’s a parfum, an eau de toilette, and lotion boxed together. Or maybe it’s deodorant, body wash, a razor, and shaving cream, all in your husband’s favorite scent. I know they’re all over the local drug stores when the holiday season comes around!
Whether you actually buy them or not, you and I know that these gift sets are more cost-effective than buying everything separately. The same concept goes for essential oils too.
Plant Therapy offers different sets to choose from! Check out their essential oils for sale at their shop here.
4. I buy in bulk whenever possible
When I buy essential oils, it’s no different than buying food in bulk. If it’s cheaper per ounce (or per pound or per milliliter) to buy the larger size, then why wouldn’t we?
Plant Therapy has bulk discounts!
5. I didn’t replace everything at once
Common sense says that if you throw away everything in your pantry and re-buy it all again, you’re going to be spending a lot of money. Again, the same idea applies to essential oils.
- When we started to switch to chemical-free living and were looking to replace our commercial cleaners with essential oil-based cleaners, we worked through one room at a time using something called transfer buying.
- Transfer buying is the idea of reviewing what you’re already buying and where you’re buying it from.
- For example, maybe you buy an all-purpose kitchen cleaner and laundry detergent from Target. The next time you run low, instead of buying those same items at Target, you transfer your purchase to Plant Therapy.
- You’re not necessarily spending MORE money, rather you’re changing WHERE you spend it.
- Using this method allowed me to use up what I already bought and paid for first, so I’m not wasting anything from the budget. By working through one room at a time (I found going through one room each month to be a good pace) I was able to spread out the purchases even more.
More Tips on How I Afford to Buy Essential Oils
6. I break it down to the price per drop
One concept that I’ve shared is the idea of price per serving. If you’re not sure if your meals are frugal, break them down into the price per serving and see if it lines up with where your budget should be.
I apply this same concept to essential oils too. Because Plant Therapy only produces 100% pure essential oils, they are high quality. You often only need 1-2 drops in order to get the benefits.
When you look at how little oil you need to make a recipe and compare that to what you’d normally pay for a similar product at the store, you can see that using essential oils is significantly cheaper!
7. I give oils as gifts
I like to give my kids’ teachers gifts at ..
- Christmas
- Birthdays
- Teacher Appreciation Week
Our budget for these gifts isn’t very big – maybe $5-10 per teacher. Instead of spending that money on unhealthy treats or on things she’ll never use, I give them 1 oz bottles of essential oil. I know the teachers would appreciate these gifts far more than junk food – I know I would!
Another idea would be to use your oils to make lip balm, homemade lotion, or foot soaks!

8. I buy products that have multiple uses
I’ve mentioned previously that I like using coconut oil in my beauty routine because it serves as both my face moisturizer AND my make-up remover. I also use goat milk soap as my face wash, body wash, AND to wash my hair.
Choosing items that can serve more than one purpose means saving money in the long run, and the same goes for oils and oily products.
9. I usually avoid expensive oils
There are some oils that are naturally more expensive than others. Take Melissa for instance.
- Melissa plants are grown in France and harvested in early summer before the plant is in full bloom. It takes 7 tons of Melissa leaves and tops to make 2 ¼ pounds of oil.
- Rose oil is another example. It takes 22 pounds of rose petals to make one 5 ml bottle!
While these oils both offer amazing benefits, they’re not high on my wish list at the moment. You can usually find ways to make recipes and DIYs using the oils you have.
10. I almost always buy carrier oils elsewhere
Unless Plant Therapy is having a deal, I always buy my carrier oils elsewhere. My budget is only so big and my priority is on high-quality essential oils, not carrier oils.
- I get olive oil from Amazon or Costco or Walmart – it’s the same oil I use for cooking!
- I still have jojoba, sweet almond oil, and vitamin E oil from beauty DIYs I’ve made in the past. When I run out, I probably won’t replace them UNLESS I need them for a DIY as well.
- Frankincense is part of my morning skincare routine, and I use the same exact organic virgin coconut oil that I use to moisturize my face, take off my make-up AND make black bean brownies with it!
It’s not that I don’t love Plant Therapy’s carrier oils – I most certainly do! But to keep my costs down and to make essential oils affordable, I buy my carrier oils elsewhere.
I also limit my carrier oils to those that I already use in the house for other things – namely, olive oil, fractionated coconut oil, and organic virgin coconut oil. Again, it’s back to the one item for multiple purpose mentality.
11. I choose to be proactive with my health to avoid sick days
My husband gets 10 paid days off each year. Between one week to visit family at Christmas, and another week in the summer to go on a family vacation, he has ZERO sick days left for the year. If he doesn’t go to work, he doesn’t get paid. It’s not ideal, but that’s the situation.
- The same goes for those of us who don’t have traditional jobs too. None of us can really afford to get sick. There are people to take care of, food to cook, and places to clean (to prevent the further spreading of germs, if anything).
- We all know how important it is to eat healthily and get rest when you’re not feeling well, but how many of us have the energy to make homemade chicken noodle soup or red lentil vegetable soup or have the luxury of napping for several hours when there are other people to take care of?
- Odds are we don’t, so it takes us longer to get better and we spend money on convenient things to get us through. Don’t get me wrong – I know we all do what we have to do sometimes to get through the yuck. But these things cost us money.
- Instead of waiting until germs hit our house, I choose to be proactive and buy essential oils to stay healthy in the first place.
- It’s the same reason we eat real food – we want to take care of our bodies. Yes, it means spending a few pennies up front, but it saves us money in the long run.
FAQS on How to Buy Essential Oils
Plant Therapy is my personal favorite and the best in my opinion. Check out their shop here!
The rule of thumb is 3 to 5 drops in your diffuser. If you are using a diffuser for the first time, it’s recommended that you use 3 drops.
The top 5 essential oils are, peppermint, lemon, lavender, frankincense, and rosemary.
P.S. Tea tree oil is great and one to try! It also helps acne.
More on How to Buy Essential Oils
I just shared with you 11 practical tools you and I both can use to afford essential oils.
Here’s the thing. People tell me ALL THE TIME that healthy food is too expensive. That it’s much cheaper to buy boxed food than it is fresh produce.

Guys. I’ve been writing this blog for many years teaching those people otherwise.
My family – and the thousands of families who have gone through my course, who read my posts, purchased an eBook, or subscribe to my weekly newsletter – PEOPLE LIKE YOU – are living proof that it is not only possible to eat real food on a budget, but that it’s sustainable over time.
So when people say to me that essential oils are too expensive or they’re not budget-friendly, I know they’re misled.
The same principles that I’ve used to reduce our grocery budget to $400 (and keep it there for 5+ years) are the SAME EXACT principles I teach in my course Grocery Budget Bootcamp (Enrollment is currently closed, but you can join my FREE 5-day Crush Inflation Challenge and start saving money on groceries tomorrow!), the SAME EXACT principles I write about here on the blog, and the SAME EXACT principles I use to afford essential oils every month:
- Establishing priorities
- Buying in bulk
- Not replacing everything at the same time
- Making gifts
- Using items for more than one purpose
- Avoiding expensive oils
- Use items you already have whenever possible
Notice though, that of the 11 ways to save money on essential oils that I just shared with you, I didn’t talk about the most obvious one: sharing your oils with other people.
Whew – that’s a lot of information. And I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re in information overload.
So let me close with this.
- You might be in a financial situation where you can’t pay your mortgage. You’re working multiple jobs, not eating out and lucky to have enough gas to get you through the rest of the week.
- This article is not directed at you. You keep doing whatever it is you have to do to make ends meet, for as long as it takes.
- But for the rest of us, before you say you can’t afford something, let’s think about where we’re already spending our money.
If something is important to you, you’ll find a way to make it work. I use these tips because the health of my family – my kids – is incredibly important to me. I want them to live a long, healthy life free of toxins and chemicals and I’m willing to sacrifice in other areas to make it happen.
More on Essential Oils
- 30+ Ways Essential Oils Save Money
- DIY Essential Oil Diffuser
- 50+ Ways To Use Essential Oils (Besides Diffusing them)
- 10 Essential Oil Tips for Beginners

Hi Tiffany,
Is it safe to use Thieves detergent on baby clothes? I’m using Dreft now and kinda freaking out about it, haha.
Hi! I found this post through your original post about homemade laundry detergent and toiletries and I’m wondering if you still make homemade laundry detergent and other toiletries? It does sound like you’ve switched to quite a few YL products so I was just curious if you’ve managed to keep that toiletry budget about the same? It was low before I noticed!
Hi Jasmine! I don’t make our own laundry detergent anymore, but I do make hand soap and dish soap. I buy the Thieves cleaner because it costs the same if I were to make it myself, but it works so much better!
Hi I very much enjoyed your informative post. This may seem a tad bit off subject…..just a little….. but I recently received the thieves laundry soap and it seems my clothes don’t have that fresh smell out of the wasing machine. I have a top loader HE washing machine and have been hearing that front loader machines is the better option for cleaner clothes when using a detergent like thieves (natural detergents). Which washer would you recommend? Please and thank you in advance.
Hi Naketa! You don’t need a new washer. 🙂 You’re not smelling a smell because CLEAN has no smell! You’re simply used to the artificial fragrances of other detergents. As you use your Thieves laundry soap, and other natural products, you’ll soon realize how strong of an odor commercial cleaners and soaps have. 🙂
YL has great products. And the education is so vast
Adding a few products really makes a difference.
I too squawked at the prices in the beginning. ER really helps and a few drops goes a long way
Thank you for posting.
Hi Tiffany
May I know how do I use Seedling baby wipes as fabric softener if I do not have dryer?
Hi Lifong! That’s the only way that I know how to use the seedling wipes for laundry – in lieu of a dryer sheet.
Hello Tiffany,
Thank you for the hard work to put this post together. Very informative. We have started using Young Living Essential oils back in 1996. Indeed this is an issue that comes up quite often. You have done an excelent job addressing this issue. We have not been to good in our efforts to save along the years. Now that we are somewhat retired and have a little more time we are using our time differently. Definitely we will share your information here with our daughter and grandchildren and friends.
We bought also your “Real Food FAST Bundle” and barely waiting to check out some of your tips there.
Be blessed! John
You’re so very welcome John! Wishing many blessings to you and your family as well! ♥
Do you still use YL oils? What are your thoughts about Young Living violating the Lacey Act and the Endangered Species Act? I read the article where you decided to transition from a Grove Collaborative subscription to a Young Living subscription. I’m so happy you ditched the Commericial soaps and suds and settled for Essential oils. However, the same level of research should go into finding the safest and most ethical essential oils (some companies are just as scary as Meyer’s) too! I stopped using essential oils years back…My Mum and dad were such hip dips so Oils were an essential in our everyday life 😉 Now I make my own “essential oils” …raw veggies and fruits to nourish the mind, body, and soul. I enjoy your writing!
Hi Jessica! Someone just recently asked me this via email, so I’m sharing what I wrote since it applies!
Regarding the accusation, the truth is an employee violated Young Living’s procedure, Young Living found out about it, Young Living launched their own internal investigation using a third-party (which they didn’t have to do), found out that the employee did in fact violate procedures, and then Young Living voluntarily went to the government to share what happened. Young Living could have easily done nothing and swept the incident under the rug, but they chose the high road, even though that meant penalties and bad press.
All companies are comprised of humans who make mistakes, and that’s exactly what happened. Young Living immediately made changes to their procedures to ensure this didn’t happen again. They developed a new comprehensive Lacey Act Compliance Program to help ensure that plant products come from legal and sustainable sources, and they are the first and only essential oils company to have a comprehensive Lacey Act-specific compliance program that has been reviewed and accepted by the government. You can read more about Young Living’s sourcing standards here: 🙂
This is a FANTASTIC post. Thank you for all the great information. Combines my love of saving $$ and my newfound love for EO, especially YL ones. Awesome!
Hi Tiffany! Love all of these perspectives. I have a couple of questions –
1) would you link to the pump bottle you use for the laundry detergent? Would you say three pumps if the bottle is half water-half detergent?
2) Are you using bar soap to wash your hair? I didn’t see a liquid soap on the website, I didn’t think!
Hi Sarah!
Here’s the pump I use: I’ve never diluted the detergent personally, but I’d start with 3 and go from there. You can always adjust on subsequent loads!
I do use bar soap to wash my hair! It took some getting used to at first, but the whole family is sold now and we love it!
Hi Tiffany,
This is a GREAT blog! I would love to get your permission to share it with a Make n Take class I’ll be conducting within the next few weeks. Words are hard for me to speak in public, and it makes it even more difficult when I try to wing it, lol. If you don’t mind me sharing your blog with my class, I’d appreciate it! You’re so eloquent in the way you speak and the way you describe everything is exactly the message I would like to share.
With your permission of course!
I’m in Canada and our compliance is different because we have our government’s approval to claim some of the essential oils as Natural Health Products and share the claims of what the oils do in our bodies, it’s simply amazing!
I love Young Living and I AM brand loyal!! Been with YL since March 2016.
Hi Neveeen! If you pull up my article and share on your laptop to a screen, where your class can see that the content is coming from me, then I’m okay with you sharing. I appreciate you asking! Best of luck in your class!!!
Tiffany, would you be able to explain what requirements need to be met in order to keep one’s membership (and continue getting the 24% discount and other member benefits)? A minimum monthly order? A certain monthly sales goal? Anything like that?
Hi Sarah! There are no monthly sales goals and in fact, you don’t have to do the business side of Young Living at all if you don’t want to! The only “requirement” to maintain the wholesale membership is to spend 50pv in a year… I put “requirement” in quotes because if you’re using the oils as part of your wellness routine, you’re bound to empty a bottle or two, and simply replacing a few of your favorites covers that. ♥
Thanks! This is helpful!
You’re welcome!
I am very familiar with Young Living Oils. I have never sold them, but I am a licensed Aesthetician and used to teach Aesthetics, mostly advanced medical. Well, between teaching, going to trade shows, working with a plastic surgeon where the reps would buy my lunch to get me to think about trying their product, I can tell you I was in product overload.
I am level one certified, part two is too much science and essential oils are not an area where I’ve ever specialized. I learned that, even though I am not suggesting anyone else do this, but in other countries, it is legal to ingest oils. This made me dig deeper, as I don’t want to ingest something that isn’t exactly what it is supposed to be. Again, let me warn, unless you have consulted with a medical professional, do not ingest the oils.
In Europe, prescriptions are written and filled by pharmacists for essential oils in specific amounts. In the US we don’t have the quality standards to just pick up a bottle and put a few drops in our food. That said, if I was going to use one, after countless hours of research it would be Young Living Oil, that is a product that although expensive, is worth buying.
Again, I don’t sell the product, don’t receive commission for saying this. Your skin is your largest organ, it absorbs what is on it, so following this logic, if something is in its most concentrated pure form, it can either do harm or good. I don’t want to breathe in the most concentrated form of anything toxic.
I am not saying buy all the ols, and if you are struggling, as I am at the moment, I would concentrate on buying only oils that are used in products that are on your skin. Essential oils are very potent, if they are high quality they are alive, I assume most know the benefits of live food which is why raw is included in almost every type of diet.
I think Tiffany gives very valuable information, due to potential legal issues few talk about what other countries allow, but if this is a product that they are comfortable writing prescriptions for, it means it’s consistent high quality. I know Tiffany suggests buying kits, but if you can’t afford a kit, the next best thing is to buy a single oil that you have a specific use for, do some research, I am not saying buy blindly, I am saying that if it has a use, it’s replacing something else. The two most common I’ve seen almost everyone have are lavender and tea tree as individual oils but if you are buying for purpose you may want to buy a blend that will be more inclusive.
I will admit I have slacked off in my essential oil use, but I was just reminded of why I started to begin with. I hope everyone who reads this and decides it’s not for them, reads just a little bit further.
Great information here. I recently started using oils and already notice the difference. When invited to a YL demo I jumped at the chance. Came home an ER member with a bottle of Thieves cleaner and bath salts as a gift from the hostess. My daughter and I are working together to be less chemical dependent for her children.
I enjoy your blog and appreciate the information you share.
Thank you for this great article! I’ve just joined Young Living and your guide will be a great help. I love the idea of ridding our home of all those chemicals! I will be re-reading and implementing your ideas!
You’re most welcome Karen!
Can you share the recipe for the DIY face serum you mentioned? I’d love to try it!
Hey Christina! It’s not my recipe to share, but it’s in this book:
I totally agree. The products really take so little, that they last a long time. All the Thieves products are the bomb. I’ve replaced a lot of things, and I get that percentage back! I have three kids 7, 4, and 1 in school/daycare and NO sick days this year.
Also, seedlings wipes are great for make-up removing! And I have been buying the goat milk soap bulk scraps you recommended. I also get their unscented lotion and use my YL essential oils to scent it so I know exactly what we are using. Thank you!
You’re so very welcome! I hadn’t thought about using EO’s to scent my own lotion – BRILLIANT! ♥
I have been trying to learn more about using oils and their quality. This was a very eye opening, interesting read! Thank you! Where/how do you find recipes and know what oils to use for different things or how to combine different one’s to be most effective?
You’re welcome Theresa! I have a few trusted resources that I like, a reference guide and a big group of oily friends who share their knowledge with each other. ♥
Can you share your favorite reference guide(s), apps, books, etc.? Thanks!
Hi Kristi! I really like the reference guides offered by There are a few others, but just a heads up – they’re not entirely compliant, which makes it hard to share within FDA guidelines. If you can modify the language before sharing, then go for it!
This sounds so great. Too bad I do not live in the continental US. I would cost me 28 dollars to have a 1 dollar bottle of spice mailed here. Rediculous! But I am happy for you….
Hey Sandy! Young Living has locations all across the world. If you’re serious about quality essential oils, I highly encourage you to look into this!
I watched your experiment with raw chicken yesterday, and it was pretty eye opening. I’m curious if you’ve ever compared Young Living’s Thieves blend to DoTerra’s OnGuard (composition and effectiveness wise). I’m not brand loyal but I am scientifically minded and just beginning to dabble into the world of oils. Thanks!
Hey Shanna! I haven’t done side by side tests between the two, but I thought I heard awhile back (through the grapevine) that a lab did test them and Thieves came out a smidgen ahead. I love Thieves (obviously), but that’s not why I choose Young Living. I choose YL because of their incredibly high commitment to quality, and the fact that they control EVERY aspect of the oil, from seed to bottle!!
This is a great blog post! I’m sorry you’ve had such negative feedback before. That was uncalled for. I’ve been using Young Living essential oils for a couple years now and love them. (I use birthday money from my dad each year to buy them!) I choose not to buy the pre-made Thieves foaming handsoap and I make my own. (castille soap, water, Thieves essential oil) It is very easy and works great. Depending on our budget we can choose how to use products, what to buy, etc. Like Tiffany said – It’s all about priorities, people!
♥ Thank you Lisa!