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Quick Pickled Red Onions

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Of all the recipes for pickled red onions, this one is the best! This super frugal pickled onions recipe only takes 5 minutes to make, and you’ll have a zesty, tangy topper for everything from burgers to scrambled eggs!




  1. Combine the pickling mixture in a small saucepan on the stove and bring it JUST to a simmer. You don’t need to cook anything, but this lets the sweetener and additional seasonings dissolve and blend. (You can also do this in the microwave).
  2. While the mixture is on the stove, slice the onions. I use a chef’s knife, but a mandolin would be perfect here. The thinner the better!
  3. Combine the pickling mixture and the onions in glass pint jars and shake gently.
  4. Let the onions rest for 30 minutes and then serve!


Try different onions. Red onions have a natural bite to them, but yellow or white onions would be good too!
